3 X 3 Note cards

Hello my friends and happy hump day?  I am so excited, only 3 more days until my weeks vacation with my husband’s family.  His brother’s family is coming town for Wash DC for a weeks vacation to sunny SD.   So we are looking forward to their visit and spending time with them all. My nephews are 10 and 12 and great boys, so we will have fun.  Today’s project is another Thank you gift I made the girls for coming to my August SAS.  Ok so I did not make these items.  I bought the cute 3 x 3 cards and envelopes at Michaels (in their dollar bins) and just put ribbon on them.  A quick and easy gift.   Sometimes you have to do that to save time and I did.  The girls loved them anyway and then they got a new ribbon to use.  Have a good day my friends.  Until next time.

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Posted on : Aug 11 2010
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