Just Beleive Concord Grape box and cards.

Hello there, how is everyone today?  Good I hope.  Today is another door prize I made for my Fall SAS.   It was made using the Just Believe Stamp set and the paper was the new In-color paper concord grape and pear.   The idea for this card came from GretchenBarron at http://gretchenbarron.typepad.com.  I love her blog and the cards she make.  The box was a pattern designed by my good friend Judee Pepper and I just love it.    The box contained 4 cards and envelopes.  So a nice gift and my good friend and upline Gail Reed won it so she was thrilled as purple is her favorite color.  Glad you won it Gail.   Have a good day my friends.

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Posted on : Oct 25 2010
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