In Memory of Judee Pepper

It is wiith deepest sorrow and heavy heart I am so sad to let you know that our dearest friend Judee Pepper passed away late Sunday night. Many of you know Judee suffered a brain aneurysm last Monday and unfortunately never regained conscientiousness.

Gail, Kendra, Evie and I were able to visit her in the ICU at Grossmont Hospital  on Thursday. We were able to say our goodbyes and express our love to Judee. It was difficult to see her but the best thing we could have done… for the original Rubba Sistas and BFF’s to be together one last time, to treasure the times we had in our short time together.

Below are my favorite pictures of Judee with all her favorite stamping friends.

This last picture says it all…. my BFF’s…. love you guys.

I will miss you Judee more then you will ever know.  Thank you for being my Best BFF, loving us, inspiring us, teaching us.  Judee was the sweetest, kindest, loving, most generous, person on this earth.  She was the first to welcome you into our group and always lent a helping hand.  She loved life and her family and friends.   We loved her so much and going to miss her, but she will live forever in my heart.   I will see you in Heaven my friend, have that stamping table ready for all of your BFF’s.  We will all be together again.

Love to you my friend….


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Posted on : Mar 16 2011
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3 People have left comments on this post

Mar 16, 2011 - 11:03:43

Hey Pam…please keep me posted on if they have a memorial service or funeral. I would really like to go. I have been trying to keep up with Jeff on facebook but he hasn’t posted anything since she died. She was such a ray of sunshine and it just won’t be the same without her; but I know she would be encouraging us to stamp on because that was just the kind of person that she was….I am so glad I got to know her a little bit and I hope that all you guys know I am thinking about you all. I know you guys were such good friends and that this is just devastating news. Sending all my prayers and love to all my rubba sistas…rest in peace dear sweet wonderful Judee!!

Mar 16, 2011 - 05:03:50
Gene Davenport said:

Hi, I just wanted to thank you for posting these photos. I am Judees cousin. I am just so lucky to be able to have grown up with her. The one thing about Judee was she was absolutely the best friend any one could have. She loved all of her friends and talked about her card girls alot. We hadn’t seen each other in awhile but got to talk on the phone and did alot of e-mail. I am so very happy she got to share herself with all of you and me.

Sep 5, 2011 - 09:09:28
Hannah pepper said:

Hello I’m judees daughter Hannah pepper. I want to thank you from the deepest part of my heart for this sweet goodbye. I love my mom more then I could ever put into words. She truly was a wonderful person. I found this page today and it felt so good to know how loved she truly was. I also held my first Stampin’ up demonstration today and to see this make it all come together. Thank you again.

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