Rubba Sista Meeting for Fall Festivale

Hello my friends,

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  I sure did as last weekend was my Sept SAS and it went well and so happy the girls all loved the cards.

Today I wanted to show you pictures of my Rubba Sistas..  that is our group of local SU demo’s and what we call ourselves.    It was also a very proud day for me as I had 4 of my downlines at this meeting (only missing Kelly who lives in Chicago (miss you my friend) but what a proud moment for me.    There are only 7 of us local demo’s in the area so we were all at this meeting which was a first.  Margie (who lives an hour north) drove up on Friday to spend the night with Wanda (thanks Margie for making the trip).

We got together to plan the Fall Festivale we are holding on Saturday October 22nd.   We put on a festival twice a year and so far they have been very popular as we do several make n take projects and then 6-10 cards as a Stamp-a-stack, so lots of things to see and do. This Fall event will be a very special one as we are dedicating it to our beloved Rubba Sista Judee who we lost in March.   Judee  was such a wonderful person but was also a very talented stamper and always had great projects for us to do.. we will surely miss her at this event as it won’t be the same without her.

Anyway, we had our first meeting at my house on August 13th and joining us this year as Demo’s are Tina and Julia – welcome girls.  It’s Julia’s first time and Tina is a returning Rubba Sista.

So we got together to bring our ideas together to come up with projects and cards to be made.. cute picture below as they girls were hiding the project so you can’t  have a sneak peak at what we will be doing.  I am excited too as for the first time, my sis Ruth and Mom Gloria will be at this event too.. yippee for me.

Ok so here are the pictures from our mornings meeting

Tina, Evie, Gail, Julia, Wanda and Margie

We still have not come up with a official name for my group but for now, I call them Pam’s girls.   Wanda, Margie, Tina, Pam & Julia.  Missing Kelly in Chicago.

My girls with our “grandma” that is what Gail calls herself since she is my upline so Grandma to my girls.. too cute

We had a great meeting and please mark OCT 22ND on your calendar as you don’t want to miss this event… as its a special dedication to our beloved Judee, who we surely missed at this meeting as she would have been there with all her great ideas….

Have a great day.



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Posted on : Sep 12 2011
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