Stitched Stocking Card

Hello and welcome back.. one more day and then its Turkey Day.   My brother Ford and SIL Mary arrived on Monday night for a weeks stay with the family.  My mom is thrilled to have them here for the holiday.    We will 14 guests at our house for Thanksgiving, will be busy but fun.  Thanksgiving is my hubby’s favorite holiday as he loves to cook.   We are sad that my sis and brother Craig and Karyn wont’ be with us.. but at least half the family will be together.

Today is one of the 10 cards made at my Christmas SAS held the weekend of Nov 19th.   Fun times were had by all.

The cutest card and so easy to make using the Stitched stocking stamp set and then the stocking punch.. so easy.   The accents on the stockings were punch out from the Silver Glitter paper SU sells now.  Love this card as it was also made at the Fall Fest held a few weeks back.

Have a great day.


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Posted on : Nov 23 2011
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