So Much Fun # 2

Happy Friday my friends,  I hope everyone has a great weekend.

The last of 10 cards made at my Christmas SAS.

I cased these two cards from Becky at   She prepares a 12 days of Christmas 2011 PDF every year and I have bought them every year as her 12 days is full of really nice cards and other christmas projects you can make.    So I cased this card for my SAS.

I love this card opens in the middle and there is a belly band that hold the card together.  Very clever and cool card.

Have a great weekend.


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Posted on : Dec 09 2011
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One Person has left comments on this post

Dec 12, 2011 - 06:12:31
Linda Gibb said:

Pam what is that Christmas tree made out of? It looks 3 dimensional?
How much does it cost to buy this 12 days of Christmas from Becky?
If I have this figured out right, your Mom is Francis Curtis? She & I have been Pogo/ internet friends for 11 yrs.
I’ll be waiting to hear from you. I clicked to sign up for your blog but I don’t think it went through.
Linda Gibb

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