Saturday Girls -SAS

Hello my friends and welcome back.  First I want to wish my Sister-in-law Karyn a very happy Birthday…. love you sis.

Today’s post will be pictures of the Saturday Girls at my Occasional SAS I held January 19th and 20th (or whatever the dates where).

Here are all the girls and me on Saturday with their door prizes they won….. happy faces..

Hope, Pat and Sandy – stamping

Lorena, Trudy and Barbara – Stamping

Laura, Mo, and Evie – Stamping

Kendra, Tina and new stamper Alex – stamping

Lunch Time….

Tina and Kendra – happy as lunch was served.

A shot of 3 sets of the door prizes I offered


Picture of the other door prize sets I offered

Barbara was lucky door prize winner # 1

Hope – Door prize winner # 2

Kendra – door prize winner # 3

Pat – Door prize winner # 4

Lorena – Door prize winner # 5

Evie – Door prize winner # 6

Alex – Door prize winner # 7

Tina (my downline) – door prize winner # 8

Sandy – Door prize winner # 9

Trudy – Door prize winner # 10

Laura – Door Prize Winner # 11

Mo – Door prize winner # 12 – next time at my event she will be # 1 as I forgot to put her name in the hat.. sorry Mo but you still got a good prize.  You are # 1 next time.

A closer shot of the Send me Soaring Door Prize set

A Closer look at the Bording Romance Door Prize set

A closer look at the P.S. I love you door prize set –  I bought the tutorial from Chet at memystampsandi in order to make this set.

A closer look at an old door prize I had using last years SAB stamps.

Another close look at a door prize – I made this door prize at my uplines Gail Reed’s house for a card making class last year

A closer look at A vintage set that Tina (my downline) made as a door prize that I won at one of her SAS.

A cloer look at the Fresh Vintage door prize set. I bought the tut0rial from Jenny Moore at Stamping Moments in order to make this set.

What a fun day we had.   If you are in the area and would like to join us sometime or buy a card pack… please just email me and let me know.

Have a great day.


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Posted on : Feb 07 2012
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