Morning Cup

Happy Memorial Day to you all.  I hope you are enjoying the day with family and friends.

Today is the 5th of 10 cards made at my May SAS I just held this past weekend.   I had 25 ladies either attend or buy card packs so it was a great success.

I love the design of this card (got the idea from another demo but forgot who) and changed the colors using the Espesso and Pool party colors.   The brown parched part of the card was made using a SU Box that I cut a piece off from and then tore it a bit to get the parched design.. pretty cool huh.. not my idea.. but a good one..  It is suppose to look like a coffee cup holder…..

Hope you enjoyed today’s card and hope you will come back tomorrow for more fun.

Happy Memorial Day.


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Posted on : May 28 2012
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