Friday Day Girls Stamping

Hello there and welcome back,

Today are pictures of the girls that came to my Friday afternoon SAS.   We had a good time and lots of laughs were had by all.

The stamping girls, Tanya, Hope, Carrie, Peyton and Anna

Dinner outside as we had a heat wave and boy were we hot..

My goddaughter Peyton was door prize winner #1  She is 9 and loves to stamp.. gotta love that..

My neighbor and friend Hope was door prize winner # 2.  So glad she is enjoying my stamping events.

My loyal customer and friend Tanya.. look at the cute smile.. she loved this Boo hanger I made.. yippee

Anna (Tanya’s daughter) first time at my event and was happy to have her, come back any time.

The girls and I with their door prizes..

Have a wonderful day.


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Posted on : Oct 09 2012
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