Summer Silhouettes Door Prize Card # 2

Happy Friday my friends…. this will be a nice weekend for me as my sis will be staying with me to help me get ready for my Nov SAS.  Plus my hubby left yesterday for his shooting competition in AZ with the boys, so will be nice to spend time with my sis and my mom, as we are going to bring her over for the weekend too.. my sis is going to make our family’s homemade spagettie sauce.. yummy… can’t wait.  Then Saturday night we are going to have my buddy Lorraine over for dinner, will really miss her when she goes back to NY for the winter…. but glad she can spend time with my sis, mom and I for a night… as Lorraine is family.

Today’s card is 2ndof 4 made as a door prize for my Nov SAS.  I bought the tutorial from Chet at and this was her August Tutorial Kit.   As you know I love Chet and all the tutorials she creates.. she is the best deal in town for great tutorials.

Another beautiful card.

Have a wonderful weekend..


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Posted on : Nov 09 2012
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