Hearts a flutter

Hello my friends.

Sorry I have been MIA but had a lot going on and did not have any items to post until now.   I had my Feb SAs this weekend and it went great and now I can show you the 10 cards the girls made along with the door prizes.

Below is the 1st of 10 cards made at my Feb SAS that I held this past weekend.  I had a great turn out this time and had over 30 people (which was great for me) and they come and make 10 cards, get a lunch or dinner and get a door prize filled with 4 cards and a box.  I also had other door prizes such as old stamp sets and paper I gave out too and all for only $25.00.  Not a bad deal huh…. so if you want info on my events, let me know.  My next SAS will be March 15th and 15th.

I totally cased this card from Mary Fish at http://www.stampinpretty.com/  I loved this card and just knew the girls at my SAS would love to make it too and I was right.

I love the layers, the color, the design.. its always great to case other demo’s so thanks Mary for the great idea.

Have a great day my friends.

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Posted on : Feb 04 2013
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