Make a Wish

HI there,

Today I am sad as my sister and Tim will be leaving tomorrow for the trip back home to Florida.  Its been a great 3 months having my sister here and so glad she was here for my SAS and all the help she gave me with it.  You are the best sister ever and I will miss you so much while you are gone but know you will be back in July and will stay until the 1st of the year, so I am very grateful for that.. Have a safe trip home and we will have fun at dinner tonight with our last meal all together.   Love you sis.

Below is the 3rd of 10 cards made at my Feb SAS that I held this past weekend.  I had a great turn out this time and had over 30 people (which was great for me) and they come and make 10 cards, get a lunch or dinner and get a door prize filled with 4 cards and a box.  I also had other door prizes such as old stamp sets and paper I gave out too and all for only $25.00.  Not a bad deal huh…. so if you want info on my events, let me know.  My next SAS will be March 15th and 15th.

Sorry the card is blurry.. but the best shot I got of it.  Love this card and how easy it is so to make.

Have a great day.




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Posted on : Feb 06 2013
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