New Catalog Order today and some exciting news

Hi Girls,

That’s right, you read my post right, you can order from the new catty today… so excited.   There are some many great things in the new catty that I can’t wait to get them.

If you want to put through an order today, either go to my blog at and hit the order here tab to go to the SU site to do an order.  If you want me to do an order for you, please email me the order and then follow-up with a phone call to me with your credit card.

I am so excited as we brought out little boy Gunnar home from AZ last Saturday.  We adopted a Bernise Mountain dog and it will be my first puppy ever. He was 9 weeks when we picked him up and as of yesterday he is now 10 weeks old and 23 pounds already.   I am so excited and love this little guy so much.   We needed a puppy and a male to make our 5 year female dog Maddie feel comfortable with another dog. She gets along great with male and a male/female combo is a lot better than 2 females as we found out.    So its been a fun week getting   him acquainted with us and the house.  So far so good. He is so adorable.

Have a great weekend and happy new catty day.  Below are some pictures of Gunnar.   Not the best shots but the first ones I got


Maddie and Gunnar1

Maddie and Gunnar a ware shot as Maddie is not too sure of him yet.

Gunnar with kids1

My goddaughter Peyton with her friends and Gunnar’s Godmother Carrie.  He loves her already


Gunnar my little fur ball chewing on a good bone


Gunnar sleeping – you can see how big he is in the picture.  23 pounds as of yesterday’s vet visit.  Vet said he is perfect.

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Posted on : May 31 2013
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