Halloween Week Day # 1 Halloween Banners

Hi Girls,

My Rubba Sista’s and I (including our honoray sista Ruth) had our Fall Fest this weekend and it went great.   It was the best one yet with all the great 8 cards that were made, along with 5 make n takes, great display boards, 3D items, door prizes for all and even a raffle that had a lot of great items.   The girls all loved it.  It was hard work getting ready but it paid off and we were all exhausted by the next day.

Since Halloween is over on Thursday I thought I would show you in the next couple of days the Halloween items that we displayed at Fall fest.

Pam's Wiches Banner  Witches Halloween Banner Winners

I got this witches project from Craft Project Central for a monthly project that had in September.  Its a club I joined where they provide 10 projects a month and they are wonderful projects and for only $10.00 a month a great deal.  Check it out at   http://craftprojectcentral.com.   At the fall fest I made two of these banners and gave them away as a special extra prize for the girls.   My friend Susan won one and Laura won the other.  They were both so excited as there were many people who put their names in the box, so congrats to Susan and Laura for winning this.

Halloween Banner Halloween Banner Kit

My sister Ruth made this banner for the FAll Fest.  She worked hard and did a great job.  The Build a Banner kit,   Banners Simply Created Kit and Halloween Banner Simply Created Accessory Kit  are in the holiday mini on pages 30 and 31.   My sis said it was fun to make but got messing with the inks.  She did a great job.

Will show more pictures of the fall Fest in a couple of weeks as my sis took all the pictures for me but is away for 2 weeks so have to wait until she gets back to get the pictures from her.  I only took a few with my camera and will show those this week.

Have a great day and be spooky…


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Posted on : Oct 28 2013
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