Halloween Week Day # 3 – Halloween Cards and Toilet Paper Treats

Welcome back,

The first card displayed was one of the cards made at the Fall Fest as the girls made 8 cards and 2 were Halloween, 1 was Thanksgiving and the rest were Christmas.   I cased this card from Connie Babbert  at http://inkspiredtreasures.com/.  I loved this card so much I changed it from what I was originally going to make and created this one instead.   I love this Toil and Trouble set so many cute ideas you can make from it.

Fall Fest Halloween Card

Halloween Bash Thinlit card Halloween Bash Thinlit card open

I bought a Halloween Tutorial from Debbie Henderson at http://debbiesdesignsblog.blogspot.com/ as this card was part of her October 2013Toil and Trouble kit that she does for only $4.95.    Its a great deal as this kit came with cards and 3D items.   Check out her blog for details as the October kit is on the left side of her blog.

I made this card for my Club Member as their thank you card for the October Hostess Club.   I always provide my club members or any one that orders from me thank you cards as its the proper thing to do right.  Plus I love making cards so it works.

Wish I had a picture of the Card that Pat (PK1) created as the other Halloween Card made at the Fall Fest as it was also a Thinlet card and so adorable but forgot to take a picture of it or make it yet.

Toliet Roll Treats

Halloween Toilet Paper treats

This was my make n take project for the Fall Fest and the treats were made from a empty Toilet roll.   I got the idea from Debbie Henderson as she showed this project on her blog and I loved it so much thought it would be a fun project for the girls to make at Fall Fest and it was using a recyleable product.  The girls all loved it and they had a choice of Halloween or Christmas. These are the 4 choices of the Halloween Treats that were made  with different DSP papers.

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Here is a picture Gail too of me at Fall Fest with my Toilet paper Treat holders.

Below are pictures of some of the 3D items from the Fall Fest this past weekend.  I wanted to show you the Halloween Stuff early.

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Not sure if you can see it by my sister did not only make a Halloween Wreath, she made a Thanksgiving one and Christmas one.   She also made the beautiful Leaf one in the back and hope you can see it.

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Gail made these cute Halloween Banners also using the Witches DSP, how cute are these

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The witches show I made last year but still love it and had to display it again.

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A close up of the banners Gail made.

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Gail took this picture of me holding the Halloween Banner I made for extra prizes at the Fall Fest.   I made two of them to give away (as you saw in my post the other day).  But thought this picture was cute of me holding it.. Thanks Gail for taking the picture.  I love this banner.

Enjoy and stay scary.



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Posted on : Oct 30 2013
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