Something to Celebrate Door Prize Box and 4 Cards

Happy Friday.  Hope you all have a great weekend.

Today I will reveal the box my sister made for me to fit the 4 cards you reviewed this week.   Simple box as I got the pattern years ago and use it all the time.






Box top opened


Hope DP6

Hope was the lucky winner on Friday to win this door prize

Peyton DP5

Peyton was another lucky winner on Friday

Lorena was one of the lucky winners on Saturday

R'Lene DP9

R’Lene was another lucky winner

Judy DP14 - Copy

Judy was another winner.

A big thanks again to my sister Ruth for making this door prize for me.  You are the best sister ever and I love you.



Box with the 4 cards.

Have a great weekend.


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Posted on : Nov 08 2013
Posted under Uncategorized |

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