Gunnar Time

Hello stampers, hope you had a good weekend.

We have been busy at my house as our puppy Gunnar who was 11 month on Feb 21st had to have surgery on his right shoulder as he has Osteocondrosis. It was not something he did, he was born with this condition.  We noticed it as he was limping a lot and favoring that right leg.   After several weeks of waiting for our Vet to have the xrays she took reviewed, we took him in a week of ago Wed and had to do CT scan with the speciality hospital.   They confirmed what I Vet thought and so his surgery as schedule last Wed so in we went on  Wed morning and he had his surgery.  It all went well and the surgeon said the cause was better than they thought and did not have to open him up more or do any more surgery. They did the whole think Opterscopic (sp) so no stitches which is great, just three little wholes that need to heal.  The best part is they are high enough on his shoulder that he can’t get at it.   He came home on Thursday afternoon and is doing great.  I took Friday off to be home with him and Brian took today off as he now has what the Surgeon calls Jail time, meaning Crate time when we are at work and a small pen set up in the family room when we are home (which will be a lot now).  He can only go on shorts walks to do his business then its back in the crate or pen.  So my hubby and I will be home bound for a while as his recovery is 4-6 weeks.  I am not sure he will be better in time for my March SAS so we will make it all work with the crate and pen everywhere, so ladies be patient, my house will be a mess.   But I don’t want to postpone it as I have too many ladies coming and too many people to change plans, so just bare with me.  I am just glad my baby is ok and on the road to recovery.  Just means a lot of home time and for him to get better.   Imagine trying to keep this guy quiet for 4 weeks, we have our hands full.

Here are some of the pictures I took of him on Thursday.  In the crate after getting home and then we moved him into the pen we set up in the family room when we are home.  He does not like either and gives us a hard time trying to get him back in but we do it together and then he settles.  Not sure how long he will do this to us, but hope not long.   He is now 11 months old and 110 pounds.

Gunnar after Surgerty1 Gunnar after Surgery2 Gunnar after surgery

These were taken after being home about 1/2 hour in the new XL Crate we  bought as his old large one is too small for him now.  He will only be in this when we are at work.  Its still not huge but enough that he can move around.  We could not find a bigger one .  You can see the side and how much hair they shaved off.   He ate right after he got home which was great.  But look at the sad face like Mom, what did you do to me.

Gunnar in pen in family room Gunnar in pen with maddie

Gunnar in Pen we set up in the family room.  Then a picture where Maddie is not far from him.  These pictures were taken on Friday morning when I was home with him. He hates the pen and crate but needs to heal so we can make this work.  He just needs to trust us and listen better but pulling him into the pen is not good either.      The blue pad you see him lying on is a cooling pad we bought for him when we first go him as he gets so warm.  He only sleeps on it now in our bedroom at night but decided to put it in the crate and he likes it there as he loved to just lay on our tile floor.  Glad he is comfortable.

Love my boy and so sorry this all happened to him.

Have a good day my friends.



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Posted on : Feb 24 2014
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