Friday Girls and their Door Prizes
Today is pictures of the Friday girls and their homemade door prizes. I always provide each guest with a door prize to take home that consists of 4 cards and a box to put them in. This time around I did make the door prizes not give away what I had on hand. My sister Ruth helped me make a bunch of these too. Thanks sis for your help.
Door Prize Winner # – Lisa
Door Prize winner # 2 – MaryBelle
Door Prize Winner # 3 – Tanya
Door Prize Winner # 4 – Hope
Door Prize Winner # 5 Leslie
Door Prize Winner # 6 – Judy
Door Prize Winner # 7 – Kate
Door Prize Winner # 8 Lorraine – Cant’ see Pomps (her dog) but you can see Maddie’s tail… pretty funny
Door Prize Winner # 9 – Shirley
Door Prize Winner #10 – Ana.
Not shown in Door prize winner Peyton.
All The Friday Girls with their door prizes.
Another picture with the girls and their door prizes
Have a great weekend.