Stamping with the Saturday Girls – March SAS

Happy MOnday to you my friends,  I am excited, as my sister Ruth is back in town.  She will be here for my MAY SAS and then she and her hubby Tim head to Hawaii for a month to go stay with my niece Jenny who is having their first baby Girl. and Ruth’s first grandchild.  So excited to have another great Niece in our family..  This weekend my sis and I spent time with my mom and my sis helped me great weekend for my SAS as usual.  Welcome back sis, glad to have you back.

This week I will show you pictures of the Saturday Girls that came to my March Birthday SAS.


Table 1 – Lorraina,  Sandy H, Susan, Kendra, Pat, Laura, Robin and Sandy



Table 2 – Jane, Linda, Mo, Pat K, Lynn, Renie, and Pam



Table 3 (that was set up in the garage this time) Nancy, MaryEllen, Karen, Toby, Donna, Judy, and R’Lene



Girls Stamping


Girls Stamping



Girls Stamping

Have a great day.




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Posted on : Apr 28 2014
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