Saturday Girls – Lunch Time

Happy Hump Day my friends, its almost the weekend… yippee.

At my SAS I server either a full dinner or full lunch to my stampers (as they get hungry after hours of stamping) so you need to feed them right.. at least that is my motto…. so here are the pictures of the saturday girls with the lunch set up and fun gal time.   I forgot to take pictures of the Friday night gals eating.. by bad, but they got fed too.


Lunch set up… I am am so stupid, I forgot to take a close up picture of my buddy Lorraine’s cupcakes she made everyone.   They were so beautiful and good, as she made 34 of them for me.. some for Friday and some for Saturday.  Thanks buddy.. miss you already (as she is back in NY).




The girls either stamping or sitting down east.   Can you see the door prizes set up for the girls to win during lunch.. Yippee.


Girls eating on the bench, we tired to provide enough seating… but can’t always have everyone sit on a chair..


Fun picture


More of the girls eating and enjoying the beautiful sunny day.


Jane, Renie and Pam eating..

Have a wonderful day.


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Posted on : Apr 30 2014
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