Friday Night Dinner with the July SAS Girls

Hello my friends,

I always provide my guest with either a light dinner (when they come on Friday nights) or a lunch on Saturday.  My sister was here for my July SAS so she made a great lunch meat and cheese tray for our dinner and lunch.    We added on a Potato Salad and chips, with veggies and we were done.  It was the easiest dinner prepped ever.  Thanks sis for all your help.


The light dinner



A close up picture of the beautiful try my sister put together.  She does good work, I think I will keep her. heeeeeeeeeee


Girls getting their plates and getting dinner


More dinner pictures


The girls at dinner easting outside, we had a very nice night.


More girls eating and chatting.


More seats by the firepit)


More girls.

Have a great day my friends.




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Posted on : Nov 04 2014
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