Chicago Blackhawks Stanly Cup Champs 2015
Hello Girls,
Sorry I know this is not stamp related… but I am so excited. As you all know I grew up in Chicago and while living there I became a huge Hawks fan by going to games and watching it with all my Hawks friends… but these past 6 years the Hawks have been on a roll and have won 3 Stanley Cups in the past 6 years. They are not a Dynasty.
Below are pictures from last nights celebration at our house. I turned my god daughter Peyton into a hawks fan along with her parents. My next door neighbors and great friends are Hawks fans too as Scott grew up in Chicago too.. so they came over to watch this excellent game with us. What a celebration we had last night.
The gang, Tina, Carrie, Scott H, Gunnar (yes he had to be in the picture), Peyton, Pam and Scott K
The girls doing our happy dance. Peyton and I both had a lucky red hawks socks on too for every game since they won the Western Conference finals.
This is such a fun picture.. yes I am very happy….
Another great picture.
It was the best night of our lives as Hawks Fans. Way to go Hawks.. you were awesome…
Have a good day everyone.