May SAS Door Prizes – Sat

Hello,  Hope you all had a good weekend.   My mom is back in the hospital and has a blockage in her stomach and they have a tube down her nose to drain the stomach. This is being done in order to avoid surgery.   She is doing well and somewhat understands what is going on.   I took the day off to be with her at the hospital.  Still have not seen the surgeon to find out what they are going to do.

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Hope.   Laura can’t decide which door prizes she wants

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Laura and Pat

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Sandy M and Marilyn,

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Sandy and Mo

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Pat and Robin

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Insook and Nancy

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Judy, R’Lene, Linda and Vicki    All the Saturday girls


All the Saturday girls

Have a great day my friends and keep my mom in your prayers.



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Posted on : Sep 08 2015
Posted under Uncategorized |

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