Ruth’s Christmas Extra Door Prizes Gifts For Christmas SAS

Hello my friends,

You all know how much my sister does for me for my SAS as she makes all the door prize cards for me, without here my events would not have door prizes.   When my sister is in town and here for my SAS she always makes special gifts for the girls as an extra special door prizes.  You saw pictures of all the girls holding their prizes below is a close up of them all,

The Poinsettia wreath below was a beauitful wreath my sister made but not as Door Prize.  I wanted to display this so the girls to see the wonderful work my sister does and what you can do with the Poinsettia stamp set and punch.





Below are boxes my sister made as extra door prizes.   The penquin box was my favorite and so cute.  They were all good.






These boxes were made with clear paper and had a flameless candle inside, I could not get a picture of it, sorry.

Below are pictures of a really cool Christmas tree made out of paper.   Isn’t she talented.   This is the coolest tree and so well done.  My sister is so talented.

IMG_4778 IMG_4777 IMG_4776

Have a great day.






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Posted on : Feb 22 2016
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