Botanical Builder – Jan SAs Card # 7

Hello and Happy Friday to you all.  I hope you have a great weekend planed with family and fun.   I will be alone this weekend as my husband left yesterday for a gun shooting competition in AZ.  He goes every year with a bunch of his shooting buddies and has a blast.  He does well at the event also. Its 3 full days of shooting.   They leave on Thursday so they can get there early and check out the range and walk the gun stages.   They used to come on Sunday night after the long 3 day match but decided now to stay on Sunday and come back on Monday after shopping at Cabela’s in AZ.  My only request is he pick me up something fun from there as I love their stuff.  So I am alone this weekend with my dogs but that is ok, I have lots of stamping and getting ready things to do for my next Stamp-a-stack which is March 18th and 20th and its all birthday cards.  One of my other most popular SAS.

Below is the7th of 10 cards made at my January SAS held Jan 29th and 30th using stamps, paper, and accessories from the new Occasions catalog that came out on Jan 5th.

This card was made using the Botanical Builder Framlit die on page 27 of the Occasions Catalog.   I got the idea for this card from   She has a great site with lots of great cards.  I love her blog.  I changed my version of the card a bit by adding the pear paper as the main card and using the lines die for my texture.

Paper used: Pear, Smokly Slate, Vellum and Botanical Gardens Designer Series Paper on page 27 of the Occasions catty.   The flowers were cut using the Botanical Builder die and a reinstone in the middle of the flower.   Such a great die cut and easy card to put together.

IMG_5336 (2)

Fun, fun card, I love it.

Enjoy your weekend and have some fun.



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Posted on : Mar 04 2016
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