Let the Good Times Roll Hostess Club Card 1
Hi there,
Today is another hostess project my girls made just for being in my hostess club. I prepare the items and mail them to them so they can make these projects at home on their own time. Its a way of thanking them for being in my club.
This is a really fun card (but time consuming and not hard just takes a while to get the roller coast just right to sit up). I watched several videos of other demo’s making this card and their way of folding up the track to get it just right to sit up. Once the card is done its a great card but is hard to do at first. I hope my hostess girls liked it and got it right after watching the video I suggested they watch to make this.
The track is cool and folds down so you can fold up the card and send out.
Very very cool. I hope you enjoyed seeing this.
Have a great day.