Hostess Projects for my hostess club and display cards
Hello and welcome back,
For my hostess group that ended in June I used to provide hostess projects for them to make at home. I would give them their projects in their card packs when they attended my SAS. I provided instructions or videos for them to watch on how to make the cards. Samples of my latest hostess projects are below.
This was a impossible card made using the Let it Ride set.
Closer Look
My thank you cards for their hostess orders
Another hostess project featuring a card and gift card holder – cased from other demos.
Fun told card
Gift Card Holder
Apron of Love HOstess project – projects I cased from Erica Cerwin Facebook Friday Videos in March I believe.
Cutes Apron card with a cool checkured pattern
Cutest treat holder and gift card
Display cards I made using the Magical set that is now retired,, bummer loved this set
basket of Wishes card my sister made me
Fun cards made with the SAB shoe stamp set love this set and miss it so much.
Apron of love card my sister sent me.. loved this card
Fun stuff, I try to have display cards (besides my door prizes at my events).
Have a super duper day.