Halloween Bag Tags

Hello there.  I found these cute tags on Kim Cook’s blog at  http://www.stampinup.net/esuite/home/avcrafting/ and knew I had to make them as tags for my stamping bags for the Sept SAS.  I love these and were so fun to make.    She did such a beautiful job putting all the pieces together I just had to Copy and share them with my girls and you guys.

IMG_4287 IMG_4286 IMG_4285 IMG_4284 IMG_4352 IMG_4351 IMG_4350 IMG_4349 IMG_4348 IMG_4347 IMG_4346

Love how they turned out on the bags and I think the girls liked them as I usually do plan tags but this time I spookyied it up.  NOt a word but sounded good.

Have a great day.


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Posted on : Nov 01 2018
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