Beautiful Blizzard Christmas SAS Card # 1

Hello and Happy Friday to you all.   I am so behind on my blog but thought I should post the Christmas Cards and door prizes that were made at my Christmas Card SAS I had the first week in Nov while my sister was in town.

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This was my beautiful Beautiful Blizzard card I created with using the Blizzard Thinlit Die and stamp set on page 39 of the Holiday catalog.  This card was easy to do for the girls but the snowflakes were cutout with the big shot using the blizzard Thinlits and let me tell you they were hard to get all of them cut without ripping the paper.  But I did manage to get 40 of them done and some were not perfect (sorry girls for that) but it was a great card once put together.   We added one of the cut out snowflakes from the cut out and put it on the card.

Have a great weekend my friends.


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Posted on : Dec 07 2018
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