Welcome Brodi…..

Pick up Day in AZ Sunday August 23rd. Not Got Ya Day…
Closer Picture of our Beautiful boy 8 weeks old
Daddy and Brodi
Traveling home for our 6 hour trip home. He was so good.
Let me out I want to be on your lap.
Mom I am a bit warm. We had a fun on him so he was cool with the air on as well. It was 100 degrees in AZ the day we got him.
Pit stop for Gas and pee time.
Back in the Crate with his big Lamb that he loves and sleeps on every night. Thought this would remind him of one of his 11 brothers and sisters
Finally got him in my arms in the front seat. He was so good and fell asleep.
Close up of this cute face
Another Close up.. so cute
My sleeping baby.. he was out.
Home and he liked to be under the table at times.
Chewing on a toy
First Meeting with Zoey. She did really well with him.
Another meeting picture
My Goddaugher Peyton meeting Brodi.. She was in love
Close up of him laying in my lap on the floor chewing. This was taken about a week ago
Another cute pic about a week later at 9 weeks
Cute picture of his toy from Aunt Ruth
Brian with Brodi on the floor. He loves to lay in our laps and chew or cuddle
Brodi Sleeping on the big Blue dog we got him. So cute

Brodi at 10 weeks with my goddaugher Peyton with him on their Patio

This is my favorite picture ever.. so precious…

We picked up Brodi on August 23rd in AZ and he is now 11 weeks old and the cutest. He is doing well, plays a lot with Zoey (as she likes him) and love this little guy so much. Enjoy and don’t drool too much as he is very adorable.

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Posted on : Sep 16 2020
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