Happy Halloween – Tower Card

One side of Tower
Another side of the Tower Card
3rd Side of Tower card
4th side of Tower card
Side one of 2nd tower card
Side 2 of Black tower card
Side 3 of Black Tower Card
Showing top of the tower card

Side 4 of Black Tower Card
Folded Tower Card
Showring how it folds
Both Tower Cards showing Side No. 1
Both cards showing a better look of side 2

Tower Cards showing side No. 3
Tower Card showing Side No. 4

Happy Halloween my friends. I saved this cool card for last to show you on Halloween. Its a Tower Card and so easy to Make. I got the idea for this card from several demos but did get my instructions and idea from Stamping Delight on her Youtube Video on 8/6. These are so fun to make and not hard at all, just time to put all the DSP on them and other decorative items. So fun using the Cute Halloween Designer Series. Try this card out as its so fun.

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Posted on : Oct 31 2021
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