Happy Birthday to My Sister Ruth

Picture of my sister Ruth and I at my Christmas SAS held in Nov. Look how skinny my sister is..
Ruth and Pat

Ruth and Lorraine
Ruth with Judy and R’Lene
My family, My hubby Brian, me (with Brodi in my face), my brother Craig, Sister-in-law Karyn and my sister Ruth. Family picture as my bro and sissy came down to visit us while Ruth as in town.
My sis and I being funny at a store in Temecula Wine Country
These Goofy BFF’s Kendra, Evie and Ruth
Fun Crazy photo from our stay at a Air B&B in Temcula Wine country a fun get-away for a few days with the BFF’s
Our last day in Temecula
Look at my beautiful Sister who has lost 90 pounds.. wow. so proud of her

The BFF’s enjoying our wine and girls night at the Air B&B in Temcula.
Me and my sis at the Air B&B in Temecula. We rented a house that had three full bedrooms and two baths for the 4 of us.

Happy Happy Birthday to my wonderful loving sister Ruth who has lost 90 pounds since starting her diet in January 2020. I am so proud of her and she looks wonderful, she is such an inspiration. My sister is the most special person in my life besides my hubby of course. We are so close and are best friends and sisters. She makes all the door prizes for my SAS and she comes out once a year to visit and help me run my Christmas SAS. All the girls know my sister and love her as much as I do, as you can tell my some of the special pictures from the event. We did have have a 2 day girls weekend in Temcula where the 4 BFF’s got to hand out and just relax and talk, laugh, eat, drink, etc. It was a great break for all of us.

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Posted on : Dec 05 2021
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